Temp. at 23:09 13 °C
The next train from Brno(main st.) 00:08 on Saturdays and Sundays only, not running on 12/25, 12/26 and 1/1, you must press STOP button before train arrive to stop Babice.
Other departures today

Bydlení a Chata Pod Ronovem
664 01 Babice n. Svitavou 210
Tel.: +420 603 453 791
E-mail: info@podronovem.cz


(c) Kontura Design


To enter some part of the house click on the apropriate button or area in the picture.

Basement  Groundfloor  First floor  Attic
Přízemí První patro Podkroví Pension Pod Ronovem pohled od Babic