Temp. at 02:15 2.6 °C
The next train from Brno(main st.) 05:06 on weekdays only
Other departures today

Bydlení a Chata Pod Ronovem
664 01 Babice n. Svitavou 210
Tel.: +420 603 453 791
E-mail: info@podronovem.cz


(c) Kontura Design

  • See map to find your way to Pod Ronovem Inn
  • If you drive from Brno, pay attention to signs in the town of Bílovice. After you cross the river Svitava, follow the road that runs parallele to the river. At the crossroads, do not follow the main road to Babice but stay close to the river; there is a sign that points you to Pod Ronovem Inn.
  • Drive for about 4 km along the river (first it will be on your left, then on your right). You will see Pod Ronovem Inn on your right on the other side of the river.
  • To get to the Inn you have to drive over a narrow bridge. While apparently narrow, the bridge is safe for all types of cars, except for trucks (widthwise and weightwise). However, it is necessary to drive onto it at the right angle.
  • There is a parking lot for your car at the main entrance of Pod Ronovem Inn
a01 most pres reku svitavu vedouci k penzionu pod ronovema02 pohled na penzion pod ronovem pres most nad rekou svitavoua03 parkoviste pred penzionem pod ronovem na strane u zeleznicni zastavky babice nad svitavou