- See map to find your way to Pod Ronovem Inn
- Riding from Brno you will find the trip from the center along the Cejl street an enjoyable ride. You will go along the river for most of the way; you don’t have to use trafficky city streets or the busy main road Brno-Obřany – Bílovice. Once you pass the street car terminal in Obřany take the Babická street to Bílovice. In Bílovice at the crossroads right after the restaurant and beer garden Sokolovna, do not follow the main road to Babice but stay close to the river; there is a sign that points you to Pod Ronovem Inn.
- Ride for about 4 km along the river (first it will be on your left, then on your right). You will see Pod Ronovem Inn on your right on the other side of the river.
- To get to the Inn you have to cross a narrow bridge.