Temp. at 03:01 2.4 °C
The next train from Brno(main st.) 05:06 on weekdays only
Other departures today

Bydlení a Chata Pod Ronovem
664 01 Babice n. Svitavou 210
Tel.: +420 603 453 791
E-mail: info@podronovem.cz


(c) Kontura Design

Living conditions

  • thanks to the fast train connection, our apartments are suitable for people with activities in Brno or Blansko, the way from the apartment to the main railway station of both cities lasts 15 minutes
  • the rental price includes the possibility to use wi-fi network with internet connection
  • the use of the washing machine is possible in the penion laundry
  • you can use linen change service 1x per month
  • The apartments are fully equipped
  • The pension has a large meadow land which can be used by clients as part of the living, it is possible to arrange a bed, relax in the nature, grilling, etc., all included in the rent
  • the pension has a building for safe storage of bicycles, for clients included in the rental price
  • the pension has its own swimming pool, which is currently under reconstruction, after repair it will be used for residences in rent
  • We do not provide accommodation for people with pets
  • accommodation is not suitable for people with small children
  • other terms of accommodation and guarantees from our side for long - term accommodation are obvious from the accommodation agreement

Síťová jízdenka IDS JMK (šalinkarta):

Náš penzion leží v zóně 215, která přímo navazuje na zónu středu města 100, bez nutnosti průjezdu zónou 101
viz MAPA http://brno.planydopravy.cz/

Ceny různých kombinací síťových jízdenek - zjistěte si, zda Vaše škola (pracoviště) v Brně leží v zóně 100 nebo 101:

Zóna 100 + 215 Kč/měsíc Kč/čtvrtletí
Dospělý 540 1 410
Student 400 1 050
Zóna 100 + 215 + 101 Kč/měsíc Kč/čtvrtletí
Dospělý 830 2 090
Student 480 1 220